Is drinking coffee regularly bad for your health? Nutritionists say this

Coffee is now favored by more and more people. Many people like to use coffee to refresh themselves, but some people think that drinking coffee is harmful to health. So, which statement is correct? How to drink coffee to be healthy?
Benefits of drinking coffee
Coffee contains various components such as caffeine, polyphenols and sugars. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can increase alertness and cognitive performance. Polyphenols have antioxidant properties and can protect the body from free radical damage.
Research shows that moderate coffee consumption can improve concentration and motor performance and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, coffee can improve memory, reduce anxiety and depression, etc.
Effects of coffee on health
Add chaos when you are nervous
Drinking more coffee than you are accustomed to can produce jitters similar to taking the same dose of a stimulant. For people prone to anxiety disorders, caffeine can worsen symptoms such as sweaty palms, palpitations, and tinnitus.
exacerbating high blood pressure
If you already have high blood pressure, using large amounts of caffeine will only make your condition worse. Caffeine alone can raise blood pressure, and when coupled with emotional stress, it can have a dangerous synergistic effect.
induce osteoporosis
If you drink coffee in large amounts for a long time, it will easily cause bone loss and have a negative impact on the preservation of bone mass. For women, it may increase the threat of osteoporosis.
How to drink coffee healthily
Although coffee has many benefits, you must master the correct way to drink coffee.
Choose coffee without additives
By adding non-dairy creamer and lots of sugar, coffee becomes more flavorful and approachable. But the added fat and sugar also undermine coffee's health value. So if you want to enjoy coffee healthily, you should try to say goodbye to sweet and greasy instant coffee.
Moderate intake but not excess
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, healthy adults should consume no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, and caffeine is not recommended for pregnant women and children. A cup of coffee (about 240 ml) usually contains 80 to 100 mg of caffeine.
Please adjust as it varies from person to person
The extent of caffeine's effects and rate of metabolism vary greatly among individuals. After consuming the same dose of caffeine, some people may have trouble sleeping all night, some may have a rapid heartbeat, and some may have no reaction at all. Therefore, even within the safe range, the appropriate amount of coffee intake still needs to be adjusted according to personal circumstances.